Thank you, I can already catastrophize pretty well on my own.
Pretty much every link and post and article in every one of my feeds right now is about how horrible everything is and how it is only going to get worse. Most of them are written in a “Can’t you see what is happening, you fools!?” tone, and it is really getting to be more than I can take.
On the one hand, we are told not to close our eyes, not to hide from what is happening, not to fool ourselves into thinking that even if everything is falling apart, at least we are safe. On the other hand, we are told not to take it all upon ourselves, that no one person can take in all of the news and do all of the things.
Where is the balance?
I don’t feel like I need help imagining how bad things could get, or all of the ways that everything could go horribly wrong. That is something I am already pretty good at.
It also seems to me that everyone reading these posts is likely already aware of how bad things are, and none of these platforms is built to really help us with that. I guess I am pretty skeptical that they even could be built to help us with that.