Things that can go wrong with the making of coffee
Every one of these mishaps has happened to me at least once:
- Boil the water but forget to grind the beans
- Boil the water and grind the beans, then forget to put the ground beans in the Aeropress; end up with a mug full of hot water
- Grind the beans but forget to boil the water; end up with a mug full of cold, weak coffee-flavored water
- Forget to take the lid off the grinder before dumping the beans in; beans scatter all over the countertop and floor
- Forget to put the filter in the Aeropress; water and coffee grounds pour out into mug and onto countertop
- Knock over the Aeropress while doing the inverted method; hot water and grounds pour all over countertop and floor. Bonus points if you haven’t put the filter and cap on yet, extra bonus points if the plunger pops out of the cylinder, releasing enjoy water and grounds from both ends of the Aeropress
The best thing about all of these mishaps is that they nearly always happens early in the morning, before one has even had any coffee.