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I Wrote This

I think I have the basic posting workflow sorted

I have spent some time this morning adding a few bits and bobs to the posting workflow—nothing fancy, just getting the Drafts action updated with a better title format, plus some aliases to sync the posts up and down from my laptop.

It would be nice to eliminate the step of having to use Textastic on my phone for the post upload. Theoretically, I could maybe do that with a Shortcuts script triggered by a Drafts action, but that will take some research and experimentation that I don’t have the energy for at the moment.

I am also thinking about to make this site available outside my home network… maybe have the html output push to a webhost rather than the local /var/www directory. I guess maybe I could add an additional script that watches for changes to /var/www and pushes those out somewhere.

That would also mean figuring out where to host it externally. I think I want to keep the hugo build process on my own server. That way, I would not need to have anything besides static html files, css, etc. sitting in a public folder. People seem to like for that, so maybe I will check them out. In years past, I would have put it all in and S3 bucket, but I just got finished finally deleting all of my AWS stuff; I definitely do not want to go back to that.